I understand that none of this data can truly signify anything, but in a larger, “big data” scale, this information could be useful in social profiling.  The data I collected counts the gender, type of clothing, and times spoken (out of group discussion).

Item Addressed Male Female
Quantity Total 13 5
Causal Wear 8 3
% casual 62% 60%
Times Spoken Average 5.46 1

As the data shows,  males had a majority in average times spoken, this includes responses to general questions asked, it also includes the times of open discussion, as well as general observations proposed.  The ladies in the class are far less outspoken than their male counterparts, this could be an observation favoring male control of discussion, but since it is such a small data pool it could simply mean that their personalities are not outspoken.  The females by average were better dressed, as is the norm.  This data set was entirely objective but mainly included collared shirts, dress or khaki pants, as well as choice of shoe.  My hypothesis on this observation was that people who were dressed more formal would be more confidant and speak more.  I was proven wrong by the table below, which is the average times spoken divided by number of people wearing casual or formal.

Clothing Times Spoken Average
Casual 4.64
Formal 3.6

The amount of times spoken from wearers of casual clothing is about 13% higher than from those wearing formal wear.  Again this is not a big enough data set to make any meaningful hypothesis, but if one were to be made, I would say that the clothing matched the atmosphere.  The class most certainly has a casual open feel to it so perhaps the wearing of more casual clothing contributed to the mindset of open speech and response.