Reading Response 4



What Freud talks about in this reading have to do with the idea of what a novel is. It can have many affects on the reader and that depends on what type of storyline is being told, and whom the reader is.

One important aspect in this that Freud talks about is how we taken in a novel in a sense. The way it is told has to do with a reaction to the story. Maybe by not finishing the story itself leaves the listen in a type of aw state of mind. The idea that having a mysterious feeling to where a novel might go when it is being read. This can be interpreted as a natural feeling of humanity. If we are being told a story he says it is best to sometimes not finish it all the way through that what we can have time to digest what we have just taken in.

Another part of the piece that stood out to me was they psychoanalytic concept. In which he relates it to how humans have a natural fever. It could come through experience we have even physical pain. Although he does not want us to take this view in account and relate it to the sandman. I think he is illustrating that a novel can leave us with some time of doubt or pain. But through life we have already gone through this. Freud does notice how children and adults have different fears, and all though they are different they are still retained. Freud then brings up the concept of a dream and how that can lead us in some direction of unknown certainty. We can get these ideas and bad thoughts around us from what we read, see, and experience.

Thirdly something Freud speaks briefly on but I think can be related to the whole “uncanny” idea and the piece, as a whole is adventure. He thinks that through out our time we will have experience that we do not know will happen. This can be on a daily basis to what once encounters through their daily process. We are all just on an adventure of the unknown with in out life he thinks ego, and reputations are the best ways to describe a human ability to react. It is what we are perceived and known by.

First off I found this reading as whole very hard for me to grasp and understand. I do not know why I found it so difficult but for some reason I did. Something that confused me is manifest. I do not know what he really meant by it, but the word appears again and again relating to other things in the piece. Secondly the writing he talks about Hoffman being involved with confused me. Saying he is the best uncanny writer. Also with how we relate to others and how we have a consequence to a story. I wasn’t sure if that meant he is good at leaving a reader with a mysterious feeling. I also was confused to what the overall argument was. He talks a lot about fear and uncanny, but is his idea that humans have some type of reaction to the unknown which ultimate goes with our free will?