In The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas, Le Guin uses diction to depict the in action of the ones in that society who walk away from Omelas. All of the citizens of Omelas know and realize that all of their happiness and the entire well-being of the town depends on the pain and suffering of the child. Le Guin describes Omelas in saying, “One thing I know there is none of in Omelas is guilt” (279). What does that say about the citizens of Omelas if they feel no guilt or remorse for that child? Le Guin portrays Omelas as this place of Utopia, though it is not because of that child. Some of the people of Omelas do feel remorse and they are disgusted with the way their society works. Le Guin writes, “They feel disgust, which they had thought themselves superior to. They feel anger, outrage, impotence, despite all the explanations. They would like to do something for the child. But there is nothing they can do” (282). Simply because these people have the ability to feel anger and regret for this child is what makes them human and different from others in their society, but it does not make up for the fact that they do nothing to stop it. The only form of action that these people come up with is not an action at all but is to simply walk away. Those citizens of Omelas, “they go on. They leave Omelas, they walk ahead into the darkness, and they do not come back. The place they go towards is a place even less imaginable to most of us that the city of happiness” (284). Perhaps it is their anger and frustration at the fact that they cannot do anything for this child that causes them to leave. They do not want to continue to live in that society where their happiness comes at the cost of another’s, yet they still do not risk their happiness for the sake of the child’s. Omelas is meant to be a place of only happiness and well-being for those citizens but their selfishness to let the child suffer for them makes them in human. As readers, we immediately feel empathy and sad for this child and it is in our nature to read the story hoping that something good will happen to him. As readers we are almost compelled to want to do something to help the child. If Omelas is filled with people who are truly incapable of feeling those feelings that we feel as readers, then that is what makes this society impossible. Yes, humans have a natural instinct for “survival of the fittest” but there is also this emotional desire in us for protection and to protect others.