Our class period on Wednesday, April 27 will be devoted to quick presentations of your datasets in progress. In these presentations, you should describe your dataset (including the kind of data it contains, its boundaries/scope, and its metadata fields) and quickly contextualize this dataset in relation to other existing scholarly datasets, the questions it allows researchers to answer, gaps in existing fields, etc. In brief, your presentation should answer the following 3 questions: 1) What is this dataset?; 2) How are you collecting it?; 3) Why is it significant?
If you are working on your final project individually, your presentation should be about 5 minutes long (I will warn you at 5 minutes and cut you off at 6 minutes). If you are working on your final project with others, talk to me in advance about the length of your presentation and its content, as team presentations may need more time. Please upload any slides to the “Final Project Presentations” folder in our class Google drive folder.
Presentations will proceed in the order outlined below. Each group will be followed by a discussion/Q&A period.