I will be doing option B. The social problem I chose is capitalism and the exploitation of natural resources. Capitalism is very evident within the book especially involving transnational corporations. Underlying capitalism is greed and power. The exploitation of natural resources is a constant problem within characters from the book. Some believe in keeping Mars in its natural state while others see Mars as a means to make money by using its resources. The character I will embody for this project is Phyllis, who practically is the poster child for capitalism. By being her, I will discuss capitalism and exploitation of natural resources from a positive side. I think this will be an interesting twist since these are social problems.

(If doing it from Phyllis’ perspective doesn’t seem like a good idea, I will be Ann, who is a naturalist and does not support those things)

To structure the project from Phyllis’ perspective, with her being pro-capitalism and supporting using Mars’ resources, I think I want to pretend the paper is actually a speech (talking about her space elevator plan) that she would’ve given to the other members of the First 100 and maybe even people back on Earth.  I’d structure Phyllis as supporting her political viewpoints and throwing in some of her religious viewpoints as well since she’s a devout Christian. The elevator would be her way of gaining power and increasing her capitalistic endeavors.

…I want to be creative and have fun with this project. I really want to find a creative way to write Phyllis’ section because I know I’d be most successful in that rather than just writing it as a normal essay.


(1) Hawken, Paul, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins. “Natural capitalism.” New York (1999).

(2) Hart, Stuart L. Capitalism at the crossroads: The unlimited business opportunities in solving the world’s most difficult problems. Pearson Education, 2005.

(3) Robbins, Richard Howard. Global problems and the culture of capitalism. Allyn & Bacon, 2007.

(4) Boltanski, Luc, and Eve Chiapello. “The new spirit of capitalism.”International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 18.3-4 (2005): 161-188.

(5) Ross, Michael L. “What do we know about natural resources and civil war?.”Journal of peace research 41.3 (2004): 337-356.

(6) Bohn, Henning, and Robert T. Deacon. “Ownership risk, investment, and the use of natural resources.” American Economic Review (2000): 526-549.

(7) http://www.geopolitics.us/capitalism-is-exploitation/