The significance of close reading is to identify additional information from the text itself.  It is used to “dig up” purposeful material that can be used to determine a more meaningful perspective of the text. My analysis of why close reading is so important is that through this practice of close reading, in any literature, is basically “training” the mind to pick up detailed information from the text and help comprehension.  Rather, close reading can boggle the mind and make reading, lets face it, not fun.  Traditional reading can be soothing, calming, relaxing, and entertaining.  In contrast, close reading makes reading frustrating, confusing, conflicting, and deranged.

This is my take on traditional reading; when I enjoy reading a novel, I like to imagine myself as a character or apart of the story.  While I drift away in the imagery of it all, the story takes me away from daily life obstacles and helps to elevate the pressure of existence.  Text can be a very magical experience.  Traditional reading though, can stop the true understanding [comprehension] of what is being read; by drifting through the words without complete understanding.  That is why close reading is important; it heightens the awareness of what is being read and enlightens the reader on further insight of what the author is portraying.

As mentioned, close reading can make a reader frustrated and confused by digging too deep into the text.


It is important to point out certain words that are repeated in the text and the words around that one repeated word to make the meaning more specific.  To elaborate on one word can be difficult. “Digging deeper” can be defined by possibly how the word sounds, the color the word may make, the affect or feeling, and the depiction.  Investigation two is going to need to use a lot of this material but I also feel that there are times for close reading to be important and there are times to just sit back with a wonderful book and just gaze.