Overwhelmed & Intrigued
Class on Tuesday was a very interesting experience for me! Distraction and confusions is very real when it comes to social media and the internet. While I like to think of myself as being a multi-tasker, this “talent” can really only go so far.
I really enjoyed the chatroom aspect of our experiment, and I was easily overwhelmed with all of our emails. Chatrooms can definitely provide instant gratification and breaks down the barriers of taking time to communicate with others. I really started to feel overwhelmed with our chatroom once I started checking my email and tweeting, though. On top of following all of these forms of communication, I decided to take several Buzzfeed quizzes. They are really entertaining! While taking these quizzes, I experienced a new feeling–FOMO (fear of missing out). Social media is a constant outlet to update others on life events, feelings, etc., and it is easy to feel like you could be missing something if you do not stay up to date. I don’t think these feelings are healthy, and I’m jealous of generations before us (who did not have social media) who never had to experience these emotions. As I would be taking these online quizzes, I could see the number of messages in my browser adding up, which made me feel like I was missing out on something funny or important happening.
By the end of class, I had a headache. I did not feel like listening to music on my bus home, and I did not want to text any of my friends/check social media. It’s amazing how our generation has become so addicted to something that can be so poisonous to our lives. I don’t say that to just bash everyone around me–I have the same problem as well! While I know that social media and other forms of media online do have amazing benefits to our society and the way the world works, Tuesday’s assignment made me realize just how toxic they can be to our communication skills and learning processes.
Hayles’ piece from our reading list really seemed to stick out to me, and I think her decision to discuss AD/HD was great. She writes, “But genetic predispositions often express themselves with varying degrees depending on their interaction with environmental factors, so the role played by increased environmental stimulation remains unclear” (191). My sister has severe ADD, so I have been exposed to someone who truly experiences these factors in her life. After Tuesday’s class, I would definitely argue that environment plays a role in the power of AD/HD in individuals’ lives. While Hayles cannot confirm that these two are linked, I think she is touching on a really important point of how AD/HD affects people in today’s media-distracted world.