
This class provides an introduction to the theory and practice of the digital humanities from a literary and cultural studies perspective. It introduces major types of digital humanities work and central debates and concerns in the field. It also focuses on methodology, asking not only how digital technologies and techniques are changing research methods in literary studies and the humanities more broadly, but also on what the value of such changes is (or isn’t). Students will have significant input into the materials we read and discuss in the last half of the semester, but major topics for discussion include: points of intersection between the digital humanities, digital media studies, and science and technology studies; the relationship of the digital humanities to “theory;” what constitutes “data” in the humanities; the logic of quantification; methods of text analysis; and the digital humanities and academic labor. While the first half of the semester follows a more traditional seminar format, the second half centers on project development and hands-on work. Students will form small groups and develop a draft grant proposal for a digital humanities project (students can also work individually on this if they prefer). Readings in this half of the semester will be determined by individual student interest and the needs of the project.

The course is open to students across the humanities. No experience in the digital humanities or with digital tools or methods is required. Students with experience in the digital humanities, including previous graduate-level course work, are also welcome in the course. In this case, should they have a project underway, they may continue to develop it in consultation with the instructors. Additional changes to their assigned reading may also be done under the advisement of instructors.

When & Where

M 5:00-7:30 pm
Merrick 205


Allison Schifani
ams611 at miami dot edu

Lindsay Thomas
lindsaythomas at miami dot edu

Office Hours

Allison Schifani
M 2:00 – 4:00 pm & by appointment
Merrick Building 212-14

Lindsay Thomas
MW 2:00 – 3:00 pm & by appointment
Ashe 401